Juvenile Canyonn Krayt Dragon: around 40k HAM

Canyon Krayt Dragon.

Giant Canyon Krayt Dragon.

Krayt Dragon Ancient. Chiv later point out that they have 400K+ HAM, and I initially thought they have 40K+, oops, what a big mistake.
The daily picture blog of my life in a galaxy far far a way. Also some travel advice and my favorate sight seeing locations around the galaxies.
I'm a Zabrak, born on June 2, 2004, live in a galaxy far far a way. A native of Tartooine, now live on planet Dantooine.
Growing up on Tatooine, I'm trained in art of Teräs Käsi fighting. Also a graduate of the Imperial Naval Academy, much like the now famed Han Solo. I left the Imperial Navy soon after the graduation, because I can no longer stand their oppression and tyranny.
I enjoy going to different planets doing sight seeing, seeking my own fame and fortune, and maybe a beautiful princess to rescue...
I'm now a proud member of the Rebellion, I fight against the Empire for the freedom of all the beings in the Galaxies. Long live the Rebellion, and may the Force be with us!
Current: Jedi(a.k.a Nerf Herder) Ghost
Past: Teräs Käsi Master, Master Doctor, Master Creature Handler, Master Marksman, Master Pistoleer, Master Commando, Master Rifleman, Master Combat Medic
Goal: Overthrow the Empire, rescur and marry a beautiful slave girl. =)
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