Friday, January 27, 2006

CDEF Pistol: 50 credits...

Workshirt: 200 credits;
Bofa Treat: 60 credits;
Travel Biscuit: 55 credits;
Spiced Tea: 150 credits;
Blob Candy: 80 credits;
Air Cake: 1,000 credits;
Entertainer tips: 3,500 credits;
Imperial Detonator: 4,000 credits;
Composite Armor Chest Plate: 20,000 credits;
Hutt excrete, Bahtha dung, Smedley and SoE, worthless...

New NGE career

Some galaxy citizen has found this new "iconic" profession for NGE, guess who's the icon - Mr. Smelly (or maybe Smedley?) - the wrenched Emperor's Hand.

In an attempt to quiet the civil unrest, he addressed the galaxy in a comm messge, however, it seems he has achieved the opposite of what he'd hoped for...

The loyal citizens pointed out many issues, like: armor, professions, food, weapons, targeting, etc. etc. It's all valid in a technical perspective. However, from the point of a wisened Jedi ghost who has nothing to do but comtemplate in the Force... Their judgement is clouded by the Darkside... Those problems they pointed out - are not the essence of problem that's plaguing the galaxy.

The REAL problem is SoE and Smelly, as Master Obi Wan once said "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy". The technical problems can be corrected - quite easily. However, it's hard to change some's character. Professional liar, scum and villainy will not change overnight, or change for that matter. If you don't remove these disease, I can be sure they will come back one day and stab you in the back again. Sadly, the history of the Galaxy has proved that ... too many times.

No, I don't want refund, I don't want the ADK back, I don't want be given a few premium pearls, I don't want be a uber Jedi .... Sith spit, I don't even want the old galaxy back. What do I want then? I want all the citizens unite and quit! And show Smelly, the community is to be reckon with! I want the SoE and Smelly to fall flat on their face, and entered into the Hall of Shame! I want them to apology to the entire galaxy of the despicable crime they've committed!


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Tale of a Jedi ...

... after NGE... A great holo drama made by one of the galaxy citizen and Jedi.

Even though Jedi aren't supposed to have emotions, especially now that I'm a Jedi ghost, I couldn't help but laughing while watching it...

And even more, here, and here...